Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Merry Christmas!

I am a Call of Duty fan.  I am in no way a powerhouse among players, but I consider myself a decent gamer.  I mean, I was ecstatic when I somehow managed a 23-1 KD in a game when there are gamers who get that left and right and more.  The first games in the series that I played were Call of Duty 2: Big Red One & Call of Duty 3 on the PS2 but my real love for the series began when I purchased my Call of Duty: Black Ops First Strike Edition Playstation 3 Bundle.  More on my history with Call of Duty in an upcoming post as I have some catching up to do with some recent things I wish to share first.

Today, I will share what I got for Christmas this year, and boy was I grateful and happy for the gifts I received this year.

I saw this for the first time in a toy store in Williamsburg, Brooklyn only a few weeks ago.  Never knew it existed except from Toy Story.  Toy Story 3 is one of my favorite movies and I'll admit it, (SPOILERS AHEAD!!) I damn near teared up when the group held each other hand in hand as they were pulled down towards the incinerator.  What an emotional moment.  Loved the Totoro cameo too.  This will go on display with my Disney/Pixar collection of DVDs & Blu-Rays.

Have you ever been to Google?  Oh man, I will tell you about their office one day.  Simply amazing.  It's like a taste of what I've seen in DVD extras on the Pixar office in Emeryville, CA.  More on that later, but I got this nice size small Google/"I'm Feeling Lucky" shirt that I'm starting to work out more to fit in.

My cousin from Australia visited recently, and this is what she got me.  By the way, if you're reading this Yvette, thank you for the card you had written.  I don't know how you managed to have zero errors writing that because I didn't see no white-out or cross marks or anything, but that was an exceptional, thoughtful piece of writing.  You are one of my best friends and will always be treated as such.

The first step to starting out with these recipes is to be able to afford the ingredients.  Every time I complete a recipe, I'll try to share it, sort of like that movie Julie & Julia with Amy Adams (what a sweetheart!) and Meryl Streep.  If I'm lucky, I'll get one done per month, but even that might be pushing it.

Shout out to my boy LegendaryJ31, my Call of Duty sidekick, for this one.  Absolutely hated the cover art when it was first revealed... I mean, look at it, it's completely filled with advertisements and reviews.  Dammit, I already know this game is great!!  Anyways, I'll get more into the Batman Arkham games in a future post.

My last gift, which I haven't received yet, is tickets to a Knicks vs. Miami Heat game!!!  Lebron & company played against New York last year at Madison Square Garden on my birthday, but I wasn't able to get tickets.  It was a great birthday gift to me last year that we won!!  I wish I had been there... but this year I will be, and I will be amongst the thousands chanting for our boys to bring home the W.

Finally, here's the gingerbread house my nieces built at my place on Christmas Eve, and next to it is one of my favorite desserts/snacks, Beard Papa Cream Puffs FTW!!  I know it's late, but I hope everyone had a Happy Holidays!  Peace.

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